JJ and T Community Services is a provider of Home and Community Services (HCBS). These are services provided to persons with disabilities and persons age 65 and older in any county in the state, subject to the standards of Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 245A and Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 245D.

These are wonderful people in ordinary communities around our state, each deserving the opportunity to live as independently as possible within their communities. Our clients live and learn on their own terms and at their own pace. We strive to be the best at what we do so our clients can be the best at what they chose to do.

Since it’s our belief that helping people with disabilities to achieve their full potential improves the quality of life of the entire community, we provide a wide array of services (supports) to them in a variety of settings. Many people with disabilities require some assistance to live a full, productive and fruitful life. We strive to provide supports that are tailored to meet their hopes, dreams and needs. Individuals who live within their community and require sporadic or less than 24/7 hour supervision  are open to the following services we offer:

Independent Living Services/ In-Home Hourly Support:
Services that develop and maintain the community living skills and community integration of the person, like money management, health or medical needs, home management, public benefit assistance, menu planning, nutrition management (grocery shopping and cooking), socialization skills, housekeeping, transportation, daily living skills, etc.

Independent Living Skills Training:
ILS training is direct training from a staff person to address the identified skill development needs of a person in the areas of: communication skills, community living and mobility, home management, interpersonal skills, self-care, self-advocacy, educational planning, personal appearance and hygiene, knowledge of community resources, job seeking skills, legal skills, pregnancy prevention/parenting/child care, teaching daily living skills, encouraging socialization and community involvement, etc.

Semi-Independent Living Skills:
Services including training and assistance in managing activities of daily living such as finances, self-advocacy, emergency and safety procedures, meal preparation, shopping and personal care, home management, etc.

Prevocational Services:
Provide people with disabilities assistance with the initial stages of the employment assessment period, job seeking and development, job coaching, and working independently. A vocational evaluation identifies viable job goals based on skills, abilities, and preferences. Services may include aptitude assessment, job-related skill testing, employment exploration, preferences and interest inventories, an extensive interview, analysis of prior work and/or other experience, transferable skills and review of results with involved parties.

In-Home Services:
Providing support to people living with their families or in their own homes/environment, depending on their needs and challenges. The person and their family determine (design) the level of support needed.

Additional Services offered by JJ and T Community Services, Inc:

  • Chore Services
  • Personal Support
  • Night Supervision
  • Respite Care Services (In-Home)
  • Respite Care Services (Out-of-Home) Homemaker Services (ADL Assistance)
  • Homemaker Services (Home Management)
  • 24-Hour Emergency Assistance (non-equipment) Adult Companion Services.

Funding of these services is generally through State or County dollars such as waivers and SILS funds.

JJ and T is an Equal Opportunity
Employer and Provider


JJ and T Community Services, Inc.

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